A Winter’s Pause on Ink Shipments: Here’s Why

Ah, winter. The season of snowflakes, hot cocoa, and cozy afternoons. Yet, as much as we adore this crisp and frosty time of year, it brings with it some peculiar challenges—especially when it comes to shipping delicate items like ink. We wanted to take a moment to share with you why we’ve chosen to temporarily halt the shipping of ink during the colder months, and I promise, it’s for a very good reason.

Most inks—particularly water-based ones—have a tendency to freeze when the temperature dips to 0°C (32°F), though some may resist until a chillier -6°C (20°F). The exact freezing point varies, depending on the unique composition of each ink, the shape of its bottle, the packaging, and perhaps most importantly, how long it is exposed to the cold. It’s a rather delicate dance between chemistry and weather, wouldn’t you agree?

When ink freezes, the pigments begin to separate from the binder—such as water—used to hold them together. The good news? Your ink isn’t necessarily lost! With a little patience, you can often restore it by allowing it to thaw gently at room temperature. A bit of mixing can usually bring things back to life. However, some inks, much like stubborn old friends, may refuse to rebind, and sadly, that’s where their journey must end.

At The Papery, we hold our customers' satisfaction close to our hearts, and we want to ensure that every product we ship is of the highest quality. After all, your experience with us is as precious as the ink you write with. That’s why we feel it's prudent to pause our ink shipments during these frosty months. We believe it’s in everyone’s best interest—to preserve the integrity of your inks and to keep you happy.

But fear not, dear reader! If you find yourself in need of ink during the winter months, we warmly invite you to visit us in person at 850 Bank Street in Ottawa. And if you’re nestled within the Ottawa region, we offer a delightful delivery service right to your doorstep.

Thank you so much for your understanding and continued support. Wishing you a wonderful, ink-filled winter!

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